Demanding Media

We consider how to collaborate with large image, audio and video recordings. We look especially for ways that our strength, federation, brings something new to each medium.

Each medium has unique properties that must be considered in order to do good work.

The image must consider the fall of light.

The audio must consider ambient sound.

The video must consider the line of action.

In Incremental Paragraphs we consider how one might take advantage of our hypertext environment to develop written works. We now consider image, audio and video which we call demanding since we have yet to find the equivalent affordances.

# Technology

We've advanced sharing of images by encoding them at some expense within the hypertext itself rather than retrieving them at viewing time from independent sources. When you fork a page, you get the page, not just the skeleton of the page as you would saving html.

Mike Caulfield explains this advantage for open educational resources. post

We have added code that squeezes images to thumbnail/postcard proportions. We have also developed mechanisms for sharing high resolution images over the parallel IPFS network. See Image Assets

We have yet to consider the asynchronous and interruptible uploading to IPFS or the capture of images from camera equipped mobile devices.

We can imagine a recording device that captures and posts ten second clips from a live stream upon a button press after the fact. These 'moments' could be supplemented with geo-coordinates, high resolution stills and continuous audio recording captured and transcribed automatically. See also Hyperlapse

# Methodology

We have not, but we could offer templates that critique images as they are captured. For example, a portrait template could suggest where within a frame the subject's eyes should fall in order to make a good 'mug shot'.

We have similarly suggested templates and workflows supporting the Video Reporter Producer.

We have been inspired by the seemingly formulaic BBC Five Shot for efficient production of broadcast quality feature spots.

We are resistent to constraints but favor formulas so long as they are sound and leave room for creativity. This is the foundation of a pattern language, a complex of related formulas that have been shown to solve problems repeatedly. pdf

The original wiki was conceived as a place to discover and share patterns. This new wiki is well positioned to apply the pattern approach to demanding media.