Edge List

An edge list is a data structure used to represent a Graph as a list of its edges. wikipedia

An (unweighted) edge is defined by its start and end vertex, so each edge may be represented by two numbers.

A tuple corresponds to one edge.

An edge list may be considered a variation on an Adjacency List. See the following illustration of fundamental graph representations.

Illustration of fundamental graph representations (Adjacency Matrix, Adjacency List, Edge List) and remarks on their usage in dynamic settings.

BESTA, Maciej, FISCHER, Marc, KALAVRI, Vasiliki, KAPRALOV, Michael and HOEFLER, Torsten, 2020. Practice of streaming and dynamic graphs: Concepts, models, systems, and parallelism. arXiv. 2020. P. 1912–12740. ethz [Accessed 6 March 2024]. pdf