
Niklas Luhmann: That actually has the very concrete background, of a friend who has since died, who tried to do exactly that. It was about putting a kind of metaphysical poetry (at least that's my idea, which came out of my theory, he died at 79, so early seventies or even earlier, we knew each other since student days) into a linguistic form.


poetic | BrE pəʊˈɛtɪk, AmE poʊˈɛdɪk | adjective dichterisch poetisch (formal) anmutig ‹Bewegung› ‹Bild, Anblick› voller Poesie ▸ in poetic form in Versen see also justice 1, licence A4


Control (z#3861) as a third system (Duplication / Verdoppelung (z#3882)), which compares or confuses the systems involved. (z#2085)

Zweitregister, Second Register, Secondary register

to the process of the formation of a self-acting third party (z#366)