Active Swikis page
> Of course, the obvious problem is security -- how do you prevent people from embedding code that hacks the server? Our sole security check right now is the dangerSet in ActiveSwikiAction. Before the embeddeded code is executed, we look for the words in the dangerSet in the code, and if we find any, the code isn't executed. Here's the challenge: Can we get a safe dangerSet?
Swiki Swiki site
> Comanche is an open-source web server for Squeak. Comanche contains the server framework, which makes it possible to develop web applications entirely in Squeak, without the need to run an external web server. Swiki is a quite popular implementation of Ward Cunningham's WikiWikiWeb site (Squeak + Wiki = Swiki) that runs under Comanche. Swiki is often also called CoWeb, short for Collaborative Web-site. Both Comanche and Swiki are implemented by Mark Guzdial's Collaborative Software Laboratory at Georgia Tech.