The Courage of the Moment

Last Monday I was in Dallas for a movie screening of Most Like to Succeed". This screening was the kick-off event for Innovate Dallas' Innovation Week.

The idea was to bring community members together with educators to watch the move then retire next door to reflect and discuss. The hope being that this movie would inspire a commitment to courageous action.

About a third of the way through the movie, the streaming failed. You could see on the screen multiple attempts to fix the problem. For several minutes, with all these attempts viewed by all, we saw failure after failure. Finally, Jamie came back down from the projection room and admitted that the problem could not be fixed.

With all options exhausted, we abandoned the theater and headed over to the meeting room to start our reflection of a movie that we hadn't seen.

That moment, when standing in front of his community, was a moment of great leadership. It is a moment that displayed of authentic vulnerability and courage.

We didn't know how we were going to rescue the event. But it worked. Out of that meeting which explored values, vision and the rumble, came a commitment to take the first steps of transformation. Their Audacious Aspiration.

_This page was inspired by The Art of Punting _