For the community of riders, trainers and judges to unite they need energy, and alignment to common objectives and values. This is the spirit of cooperation not competition. The foundation of cooperation is communication. And the foundation of good communication is clear unambiguous language. I applaud the Global Dressage Forum and its initiative to create agreed definitions of dressage terms. We can all contribute our views to this at the internet address in the appendix (28).
All language will be ambiguous to an extent. Ambiguities are often resolved when individuals discuss their mental models in a group and aim to capture their shared agreed understanding in a cause and effect diagram. At the end of the day it is our behaviour that demonstrates our true values much more than our words.
To improve we need to be able to share our understanding. This means that we must make it explicit so that we can challenge, understand and share. I have described my mental model of the relationships I believe are at work when I ride.
How do they fit with yours? How do they fit with your trainers? Your friends? The judge marking you in competitions?
I think that the best way forward would be to bring together a group of recognised and knowledgeable trainers (for example, the International Dressage Trainer Club, Global Dressage Forum, BD Convention) to share their understanding of the cause and effect relationships at work. That way a more holistic understanding can be developed and shared.
I can think of many similar examples of this type of gathering from my previous career. Admittedly they were mainly for the board members of a private enterprise or a single government department. The most memorable example was a working meeting I ran with the Harrier Support management group within the RAF.
At the workshop were representatives from the Harrier maintenance team who were responsible for keeping the Harriers airworthy. In addition there were representatives from the Navy and RAF. I helped them to share their understanding of the cause and effect relationships affecting airworthiness of the Harrier fleet, and developed a cause and effect diagram with them using Systems Thinking. We used this diagram to identify root factors and who influenced them. Together they agreed ways of working together appreciating their shared responsibilities and what each influenced. It is a very powerful approach. And very energising for all involved. The training groups from the horse world would also benefit from this approach.
Things to remember
Training is about building sustainable strength based on understanding.
Correct musculature can only be developed from a deep knowledge of the variables impacting strength and how they inter-relate.
There is a need for a deeper shared understanding of sustainable training to unite the horse world (riders, coaches and judges).