WikiSpec Story

[…] refactor: Story is now a type too (was: type alias) commit

It appears that the UnknownStory and UnknownJournal cases are still being encountered in the decoding process. This suggests that the decoding logic for Story and Journal types needs to be updated. Instead of using UnknownStory Decode.value and UnknownJournal Decode.value, you should provide specific decoders for those types. (chat.openai) Here's an updated version of the storyDecoder and journalDecoder functions in your Wiki.elm module:

storyDecoder : Decode.Decoder Story storyDecoder = Decode.oneOf [ Decode.succeed EmptyStory , Decode.succeed NonEmptyStory , Decode.map4 Future (Decode.field "id" Decode.string) (Decode.field "type" Decode.string) (Decode.field "text" Decode.string) (Decode.field "title" Decode.string) , Decode.map3 Paragraph (Decode.field "type" Decode.string) (Decode.field "id" Decode.string) (Decode.field "text" Decode.string) ] journalDecoder : Decode.Decoder Journal journalDecoder = Decode.oneOf [ Decode.succeed EmptyJournal , Decode.succeed NonEmptyJournal , Create createEventDecoder , […] , UnknownJournal Decode.value ] createEventDecoder : Decode.Decoder CreateEvent createEventDecoder = Decode.map3 CreateEvent (Decode.field "type" Decode.string) (Decode.field "item" (Decode.map2 ItemDecoder (Decode.field "title" Decode.string) storyDecoder)) (Decode.field "date" type alias ItemDecoder = { title : String, story : Story }


feat: add createEventDecoder commit

It appears that the type errors have been resolved, but there are still two failed tests. Let's analyze the failed tests: (chat.openai)

1. Empty Journal Test:

* Expected result: { journal = [], story = [NonEmptyStory], title = "Create New Page Test" } * Actual result: { journal = [], story = [EmptyStory], title = "Create New Page Test" } * The expected and actual results are reversed. The test is expecting an empty story, but the actual result contains a non-empty story.

2. Non-empty Journal Test:

* Expected result: { journal = [EmptyJournal], story = [], title = "Create New Page Test" } * Actual result: { journal = [Create { date = 1685700575889, item = { story = EmptyStory, title = "Create New Page Test" }, type_ = "create" }], story = [], title = "Create New Page Test" } * The expected and actual results do not match. It appears that the test is expecting an empty journal, but the actual result contains a Create event in the journal. You should review the code that constructs the journal and ensure that it correctly handles the case of an empty journal.


[…] The error message indicates a type mismatch in the third argument of the map2 function. The storyDecoder value is of type Decode.Decoder Story, but map2 expects the third argument to be of type Decode.Decoder {}. Based on your explanation, it seems that the story field can have two different types: NonEmptyStory and EmptyStory. However, the storyDecoder is defined as Decode.Decoder Story, which doesn't account for the possibility of an empty story. To resolve this issue, you need to update the storyDecoder to handle both NonEmptyStory and EmptyStory. One way to do this is by using the Decode.oneOf function to combine decoders for different story types. Here's an example:

storyDecoder : Decode.Decoder Story storyDecoder = Decode.oneOf [ NonEmptyStory nonEmptyStoryDecoder , EmptyStory Decode.succeed -- Decoder for EmptyStory ]

In this example, nonEmptyStoryDecoder is the decoder for NonEmptyStory, and Decode.succeed is used as a decoder for EmptyStory since it doesn't require any decoding.

After making this update, try running elm-test again to verify if the type mismatch issue is resolved. If you encounter any further issues or have more code to discuss, please provide additional details. (chat.openai)

How does nonEmptyStoryDecoder look like?

The nonEmptyStoryDecoder would need to match the structure of your NonEmptyStory type. Since you haven't provided the definition of NonEmptyStory, I can provide a general example to help illustrate how the decoder might look. Here's an example:

nonEmptyStoryDecoder : Decode.Decoder NonEmptyStory nonEmptyStoryDecoder = Decode.map2 NonEmptyStory (Decode.field "id" Decode.string) (Decode.field "text" Decode.string)

In this example, NonEmptyStory is assumed to have fields id and text, both of type String. The Decode.field function is used to decode these fields from the JSON object. You'll need to adjust the field names and types in the decoder to match the actual structure of your NonEmptyStory type.

Once you've defined the nonEmptyStoryDecoder correctly, you can use it in the storyDecoder as shown in the previous response. Remember to import the necessary modules (Json.Decode and any other custom modules) in your Elm file.(chat.openai)

See JSON of this page:

{ "title": "WikiSpec Story", "story": [ { "type": "paragraph", "id": "8c5da4d1b53bbd0f", "text": […] }, { […] }, { "type": "code", "id": "9d759d752ef5890b", "text": […] }, { "type": "pagefold", "id": "1fdaa38fcae93af1", "text": "~" }, […] ], "journal": [ […] ] }

[…] The type mismatch error indicates that the CreateEvent type and the actual value provided have mismatched fields in the item field. The expected CreateEvent type has the following structure:

type alias CreateEvent = { type_ : String , item : { title : String, story : {} } , date : Int }

However, the provided value has a different structure in the item field. It expects story to be a function that takes {} as an argument and returns a Story, but it is currently expecting story to be {}.

To resolve this mismatch, you need to adjust the item field in the CreateEvent type definition or ensure that the value you're providing matches the expected structure. (chat.openai)


The error message suggests that there is an issue with the NonEmptyStory type declaration. The List type in Elm requires an argument specifying the type of elements in the list, but it seems that the argument is missing in this case. To fix this error, you need to provide the type argument for the List type. For example, if the Item type represents the elements in the list, the correct declaration would be:

type NonEmptyStory = NonEmptyStory (List Item)

⇒ Add type alias Item and change type NonEmptyStory commit

nonEmptyStoryDecoder : Decode.Decoder NonEmptyStory nonEmptyStoryDecoder = Decode.map2 NonEmptyStory (Decode.field "type" Decode.string) (Decode.field "id" Decode.string) (Decode.field "text" Decode.string)


storyDecoder : Decode.Decoder Story storyDecoder = Decode.oneOf [ NonEmptyStory nonEmptyStoryDecoder , (\_ -> EmptyStory) Decode.succeed ]

[…] It seems there are multiple type mismatches in the code. Let's address them step by step: (chat.openai)

1. The type mismatch in map3:

* The map3 function expects the third argument to be of type Decode.Decoder { story : List Item, title : String }. * However, the storyDecoder is currently returning a Decode.Decoder Story. * To fix this, you can use to convert the Decode.Decoder Story into the expected type. Here's the updated code:

Decode.map3 CreateEvent (Decode.field "type" Decode.string) (Decode.field "item" (Decode.map2 ItemDecoder (Decode.field "title" Decode.string) ( (\story -> { story = story, title = "" }) storyDecoder))) (Decode.field "date"

2. The type mismatch in map2:

* The map2 function expects the third argument to be of type Decode.Decoder {}. * However, the storyDecoder is currently returning a Decode.Decoder Story. * To fix this, you can again use to convert the Decode.Decoder Story into the expected type. Here's the updated code:

Decode.map2 ItemDecoder (Decode.field "title" Decode.string) ( (\story -> { story = story, title = "" }) storyDecoder)

3. The type mismatch in the list:

* The second element of the list does not match the previous elements. * The issue is that Decode.succeed is returning a Decode.Decoder ({} -> Story), while the previous elements return a Decode.Decoder Story. * To fix this, you can modify the second element to use a lambda function that returns EmptyStory directly, instead of using Decode.succeed. Here's the updated code:

[ NonEmptyStory nonEmptyStoryDecoder , (\_ -> EmptyStory) (\_ -> Decode.succeed ()) ]


We feel the need to refactor Decode.map3 CreateEvent.

createEventDecoder : Decode.Decoder CreateEvent createEventDecoder = Decode.map3 CreateEvent (Decode.field "type" Decode.string) (Decode.field "item" ItemDecoder) (Decode.field "date"

[…] It seems there are some more type mismatches in your code. Here are the suggested fixes: (chat.openai) -- ChatGPT May 24 Version

For the first error, you need to update the createEventJournalTypeItemDecoder to match the expected type. Assuming the item field in createEvent has the same structure as Item type, you can use the itemDecoder we defined earlier. Update the code as follows:

createEventJournalTypeItemDecoder : Decode.Decoder Item createEventJournalTypeItemDecoder = itemDecoder

itemDecoder : Decode.Decoder Item itemDecoder = Decode.map2 Item (Decode.field "title" Decode.string) storyDecoder

For the second error, you need to ensure that all the elements in the list provided to Decode.oneOf have the same type. Since EmptyStory is a constant value, you can use Decode.succeed to produce it. Update the code as follows:

storyDecoder : Decode.Decoder Story storyDecoder = Decode.oneOf [ NonEmptyStory nonEmptyStoryDecoder , Decode.succeed EmptyStory ]


-- JSON for Create New Page Test { "title": "Create New Page Test", "story": [], "journal": [ { "type": "create", "item": { "title": "Create New Page Test", "story": [] }, "date": 1685700575889 } ] }

Based on the provided JSON structure, you're correct that the item field in createEvent has the structure { title : String, story : List Item } with an empty story field. In that case, you can update the createEventJournalTypeItemDecoder as follows: (chat.openai)

createEventJournalTypeItemDecoder : Decode.Decoder { title : String, story : List Item } createEventJournalTypeItemDecoder = Decode.map2 (\title _ -> { title = title, story = [] }) (Decode.field "title" Decode.string) (Decode.field "story" (Decode.list itemDecoder))

This decoder expects the title field to be a string and ignores the story field in the JSON since it should be empty.


⇒ refactor: type Story and createEventDecoder. commit

storyDecoder : Decode.Decoder Story storyDecoder = Decode.oneOf [ NonEmptyStory nonEmptyStoryDecoder , (\_ -> EmptyStory) (Decode.succeed EmptyStory) ]

The storyDecoder function is a decoder for the Story type. It uses the Decode.oneOf function to handle different possibilities for decoding a Story value. (chat.openai)

The Decode.oneOf function takes a list of decoders and tries them one by one until it finds a successful match. In this case, there are two possibilities:

1. NonEmptyStory nonEmptyStoryDecoder:

* This decoder maps the result of nonEmptyStoryDecoder to the NonEmptyStory constructor of the Story type. It expects the input JSON to match the structure of a non-empty story. * If this decoder succeeds, it means that the input JSON represents a non-empty story, and the resulting Story value will be NonEmptyStory <decoded non-empty story data>.

2. (\_ -> EmptyStory) (Decode.succeed EmptyStory):

* This decoder maps the result of Decode.succeed EmptyStory to the EmptyStory constructor of the Story type. It doesn't depend on the input JSON and always produces an EmptyStory value. * If the first decoder fails to match the input JSON, this decoder will be used instead, ensuring that an EmptyStory value is returned.

In summary, storyDecoder tries to decode the input JSON as a non-empty story using nonEmptyStoryDecoder, but if that fails, it falls back to decoding it as an empty story using Decode.succeed EmptyStory. This allows handling different story structures while providing a default case for empty stories. -- ChatGPT May 24 Version