2 Zero waste

**Faculty of subsistence work** The *School of feral nature* stewards many patterns related to life and work ‘within the doughnut’ that Kate Raworth identified as a space of urgent experimentation in comfortable and sufficient existence, above ‘the social foundation’ and below ‘the planetary ceiling’.

Raworth’s doughnut schema furnishes the ‘process map’ for landscape §1, which this faculty engages with. A zero waste pattern (perhaps a small cluster of more detailed patterns) evokes practice such as the following extracted from Robin’s ‘zero waste principle’ in DaO: > Recycling and reuse are only one segment of an emerging industrial model involving the extension of product life, lowering repair costs through the modularisation of design, the re-skinning of old products, disassembly and the re-use of parts, re-refining of oils, re-sterilisation (of plastic tubing in hospitals) re-treading of tyres (with higher quality treads), the move to leasing . . \[Initially in waste management], but also the maintenance of public buildings and equipment, the re-use of hospital equipment, the use of consumer durables through collaborative services . .

‘Right to repair’ is a related ‘detailing’ pattern. From among Robin's DaO Ten principles, the 'social property principle' (School of law) and The Wõrgl principle (School of machinery of exchange) need their patterns stewarded in this Faculty too.