4 A dance of knowing - Theory of practice

**A dance of knowing - Understanding and organising the practice of theory-of-practice**

The previous section addressed the basic framing of a curriculum for the revolutionised practice of a revolutionised mode of production: the conceptualising and engaging of forces of production as ‘fabric’, a *weave of living practices*, ordered under radically altered relations of production.

This, if you like, is ‘economics’, and there is a danger that it might be addressed as a matter of technics: mere *forms*, just the handling of 'stuff'. In the present section then, I address what’s at the heart of a college, and of activist capability . . the practical capability to *perform* theory-of-practice, producing radically alternative, working ‘chunks’ of practice: a radically tranformed practice of living and making and cultivating.

Here we’re concerned with ‘cultural’ production: capabilities of knowing, communicating, organising: with the producing and mobilising of *labour power*; that is, cultural **formations**.

It’s apparent to me that Robin and I - and whole cohorts of our organic-intellectual peers world-wide - embarked, in the 70s, on a practical investigation of how to make and mobilise theory-of-practice. There’s a zeitgeist at work. So, here I’m attempting to draw down the history of that generational project.

Historically, it's an aspect of post-Fordist development. The practice of theory-of-practice is implicated in both the curriculum of a college of activist literacy, and in the *architecture* of the college - that is, its ‘hidden’, tacit, *enacted*, performed curriculum.

There are two forks of my own practice which turned out to be the personal, biographical itinerary or curriculum of this ever-so-practical study. I’ll take these as a framing here; or an instantiation. The first fork was radical professionalism and facilitative practice, and the other was cultural materialism.

I’ll review these here, next. The structure of the full section is as follows: - Radical professionalism, facilitative practice - Altered relations of production, radical knowing - A turn to practice - Dance of knowing - Pattern language(ing) as a dance of knowing for the college - Rigours, plural - Notes on code - The digital as a hybrid material-cultural and cultural-aesthetic landscape - Schools in the faculty of formaciòn work

DOT FROM preview-next-diagram STATIC strict digraph { rankdir=LR node [style=filled fillcolor=lightyellow] "3 Making a living economy - A curriculum" node [style=filled fillcolor=lightblue] node [style=filled fillcolor=white] "3 Making a living economy - A curriculum" -> "Ivan Illich" "3 Making a living economy - A curriculum" -> "Three landscapes of-and-in practice" "3 Making a living economy - A curriculum" -> "Forces of production - A weave of practices" "3 Making a living economy - A curriculum" -> "Describing a landscape - The weft of a conceptual weave" "3 Making a living economy - A curriculum" -> "Radically altered relations of production" "3 Making a living economy - A curriculum" -> "Provisioning - The scope of material stuff" "3 Making a living economy - A curriculum" -> "Warp - Zones of reach and the scope of an activist life" "3 Making a living economy - A curriculum" -> "Schools in the Faculty of subsistence work" "Three landscapes of-and-in practice" "Three landscapes of-and-in practice" -> "Forces of production - A weave of practices" "Three landscapes of-and-in practice" -> "Describing a landscape - The weft of a conceptual weave" "Three landscapes of-and-in practice" -> "Radically altered relations of production" "Three landscapes of-and-in practice" -> "Provisioning - The scope of material stuff" "Three landscapes of-and-in practice" -> "Warp - Zones of reach and the scope of an activist life" "Three landscapes of-and-in practice" -> "Forces of production - A weave of practices" "Forces of production - A weave of practices" "Forces of production - A weave of practices" -> "Describing a landscape - The weft of a conceptual weave" "Describing a landscape - The weft of a conceptual weave" "Describing a landscape - The weft of a conceptual weave" -> "Radically altered relations of production" "Radically altered relations of production" "Radically altered relations of production" -> "Provisioning - The scope of material stuff" "Provisioning - The scope of material stuff" "Provisioning - The scope of material stuff" -> "Transgressive and cyborg means" "Provisioning - The scope of material stuff" -> "Ontologising" "Provisioning - The scope of material stuff" -> "Primary attention in the real economy" "Provisioning - The scope of material stuff" -> "Transgressive and cyborg means" "Provisioning - The scope of material stuff" -> "Machineries of intermediation" "Provisioning - The scope of material stuff" -> "Warp - Zones of reach and the scope of an activist life" "Warp - Zones of reach and the scope of an activist life" "Warp - Zones of reach and the scope of an activist life" -> "Schools in the Faculty of subsistence work" "Schools in the Faculty of subsistence work" "Schools in the Faculty of subsistence work" -> "4 A dance of knowing - Theory-of-practice"}