**Faculty of stewarding work** The *School of dual power* needs a small family of patterns that evoke qualities of practice that were explored in the mix at the 1980s’ GLC: a ‘dance’ of contributions involving . . - *in-&-against the state* as an aesthetic of staff within the regional, taxation-funded, administrative authority; plus . . - *roots project development* as a conscious extension of the funding of ‘making’ and strategising activity in civil-society organisations in the region; plus . . - *roots campaign facilitation* by skilled facilitator-activists on the staff of the regional authority; plus . . - *socially useful productivity* released through funding and restructuring of enterprises and sectors by the regional development bank. > A rough calculation in 1984 implied that 35,000,000 hours of prime *wage-work time* needed to be mobilised in London *each week* in ’strategy and operations for labour’, to countervail the weight of labour mobilised by capital \[Hales 1984, Paid to think xxx].