Once connected, the app can retrieve an Ad4mClient object and remote control the user's AD4M instance. tutorial
The Ad4mClient object has sub-domains for each of the different capabilities that AD4M provides.
import { getAd4mClient } from "@perspect3vism/ad4m-connect"; import type { Ad4mClient, Agent } from "@perspect3vism/ad4m"; /* * Function to retrieve and display the user's DID and public perspective. */ export default async function getAgentData() { // Once conneced, we can get the client using getAd4mClient() const ad4m: Ad4mClient = await getAd4mClient(); // The me() function returns the agent object of the current user const me: Agent = await ad4m.agent.me(); // Now we can access your did console.log("Your did is: " + me.did); // We can also get the contents of your public agent profile console.log(me.perspective); }