I work for a company that has watched its market evolve from measurement of knowns to observation of unknowns. I've reminded our CEO of how Active Observability serves this market.
To Lew Cirne: I want to let you know I am all in on this breakthrough opportunity for interactive observability as I demonstrate in this video.
Of course this dates back to when Java was considered a visual medium.
I have on order six HD projectors that I will direct at a passive retro-reflective screen such that collaborators can share a foundation upon which they will add their unique perspectives.
I would hope to bring some of our best thinkers along on this nights and weekends journey.
I spoke about this at the New Relic Agile Community of Practice meetup. Here are notes and a link to the recording. See Creativity Before and After Agile
I've explored some of these ideas with Learning from Incidents colleagues where Erlang patterns come up. See Crash-Restart Patterns