Agile Tng

Agile Tng is short for "Agile: The Next Generation". It's an initiative to re-open the community of Agile practitioners that originally fostered XP, this time focused on Agile at enterprise scale.

Agile started here in the open on the C2 wiki back in the 20th century with the Extreme Programming Roadmap. No one then envisioned anyone spending thousands of dollars to maintain some kind of certification. It was an open community of professionals contributing ideas for the common good. The Agile Alliance distilled this work into a brand and added a signup page, but the community is the reason we have the word and the reality of Agile today.

What we did here has been successful beyond our wildest dreams, improving the way teams work all over the world. Now the focus is shifting to the new frontier of the Agile enterprise, the community of the Agile Manifesto is as relevant as ever. But the Manifesto itself was never intended for this scale. It's showing its age by leaving room for consultancies and certificate-mills compete to pry open corporate checkbooks for their brands, relegating the Agile commons to history.

Agile Tng will put this open agile community back together. Not dropping C2 out because it has a lot of massively valuable content and contributors for this new initiative. But we know now this place is too vulnerable to the trolls to hold up under the inevitable onslaught, so the focus of TNG will be an open content Jekyll repo on github. Hopefully Ward will be amenable to making it a Sister Site.

Anyway to kick things off we identify 4 new values Agile needs at enterprise scale beyond the original manifesto:

Pattern languages over prescriptive frameworks

Productive teams over certified individuals

Feedback cycles over command & control

Peer protocols over management hierarchies

That is, while there is value in the items on the right, we value the items on the left more ...

To re-open the branded frameworks Agile Tng is working to identify the patterns inside them, publish these on github under an open content license, and enable the open agile community to refactor them to form an Open Agile Pattern Language ("OAPL") ...

Please do not despair of C2 as a resource. There are some people working to keep it going, including building a category for your work. -- John Fletcher

I appreciate all your efforts John! But I think TNG should be out where the developers live - which is Git Hub. Also Gollum is the closest thing I know of to Mana Mana. -- Pete.

It is up to each community to go where it thinks best. It is just that there is a lot of resource here, as I keep finding out. I could merge the new category I did this morning back into Category Agile Methodology if you prefer just the one. -- John

I certainly like the idea of linking C2 and TNG. Shall have to see what kind of Inter Wiki is possible with Gollum. In the meanwhile I'm focusing on getting some content together - kind of think that should come before the categories ;-) -- Pete.

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