Anonymous Donor

One of the Dramatic Identities used here on the C2.

Someone had something to say but didn't want to encumber it with his or her identity. This tag can be used to avoid ambiguity with signed content. Be aware that different comments signed by AnonymousDonor may have different real-world authors.

Anyone can use this name. You can become an AnonymousDonor (for purposes of Recent Changes) by setting your User Name to AnonymousDonor.

Sometimes someone will add the AnonymousDonor signature to a comment which was previously unsigned, in order to separate it visually from the (new) comment which follows it. (Alternatives are to draw a horizontal rule, or to put one comment into italics, but some of us like signatures.) So you may find your own unsigned comments are later attributed to the AnonymousDonor.

Your User Name does not help or hinder Thread Mode. Rather, signing comments on a page may make reducing Thread Mode more difficult. Using Anonymous Donor, or any anonymous User Name removes accountability for your posts, and should thus be used sparingly. It is most appropriate when doing minor edits, which will not be controversial. See a discussion of this under Anonymous Identity.

Surely the most qualified contributor to Extreme Humility?

Historic note: Anonymous Donor was first used when refactoring Thread Mode discussion that had become confusing. Some people signed their comments, and others used italics. Some comments were best rewritten as header "factual" information (with no signature). But some of the remaining Thread Mode discussion remains, and was easier to read when the change in author's voice was more apparent.

The anonymous writers did not appear to be Anonymous Cowards, and were not making Extreme Statements. They just failed to identify themselves by name - something we encourage on Wiki. ;->

For some reason, I'm accumulating animosity toward Anonymous Donor. Not the concept, but the imaginary person created in my mind by all of the Anonymous Donor contributions. He comes off as a real jerk. -- Eric Hodges

Ya, I'm real upset with that Anonymous Donor. Who does he think he is? :)

More importantly, whom do YOU think he is - and why assume he is a he? :-�

Whomever it is has grammar issues! I just corrected one. ;)

[Is that...OMG, the Grammar Vandal!!!]

We are Anonymous Donor. You will be assimilated.

You have no chance to survive. Make your time.

The anonymous donors on the wiki are likely to be from a different glob of Anonymous than the ones that have been making the social news websites lately.

This Anonymous Donor dude has become a quite prolific writer, I see.

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