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# A World in Croquet Microverse
⇒ Microverse > worlds > default.js (customizing avatars and adding a new behavior)
souda post
Can I attach custom behavior to avatars through world file?
I don't want to modify Microverse sources.
## Special Case: View Moves First and Then the Model Gets Updated for Avatars
Yoshiki Ohshima post
The short answer is yes. However I should have mentioned it when I saw the word "player": Avatars are a special case as their movement does not depend on the model to view "translateTo" message, as the view moves first and then the model gets updated for avatars. (For other objects, it is other way around). So the avatar pawn ignores the translateTo message and friends sent from the actor. I did have an example of tracking the avatar's position somewhere. […]
Yoshiki Ohshima post
The experiment I did is available here: page
if you open the console and move around it logs your avatar's movment. But this is a bit different from what you want […]
Yoshiki Ohshima post
The basic direction is, as this file here does, worlds/default.js
, exclude the default avatarEvents and then add your own modified copy of avatarEvents.js in the "default" directory.
I though we can add the behaviorModules property to uncommented part here: code but the setup() is not called in that way due to a bug […].
Avatars are a special case as their Movement does not depend on the Model to View "translateTo" Message, as the view moves first and then the model gets updated for avatars. (For other objects, it is other way around). So the avatar Pawn ignores the translateTo message and friends sent from the actor. – Yoshiki Ohshima post