
Beaker is an experimental Peer-to-Peer web browser, using Dat Protocol. site

YOUTUBE pi-kreA52oI At the Web 1.0 Conference hosted at the MIT Media Lab this December, Paul Frazee (@pfrazee) took us through a guided tour of Beaker Browser (@BeakerBrowser), an experimental P2P browser for the distributed web that uses Dat and IPFS protocols.

YOUTUBE -ep0ZIe6i10 Talk by Paul Frazee, given at PDXNode on September 14th, 2017. Description: Paul goes in depth about what the Peer-to-Peer web is, the social implications behind it, and what it looks like in practice with the Beaker Browser.


A New Browser Is Making Peer-to-Peer Web Hosting More User-Friendly : motherboard

YOUTUBE YuE9OO-ZDYo A quick explanation of how Beaker is constructed, for anybody that might want to open up the source and make some changes.

YOUTUBE EUPxAvxWlwQ “A peer-to-peer database for dat:// applications”


YOUTUBE povkKzALUvs In the first part of this Beaker weekly livestream Paul Frazee talks about the dat and beaker roadmap. (October 2018)