
p. 264: What ushered in the modern age was not the age-old desire of astronomers for simplicity, harmony, and beauty, which made Copernicus look upon the orbits of the planets from the sun instead of the earth, nor the Renaissance's new-awakened love for the earth and the world, with its rebellion against the rationalism of medieval scholasticism; this love of the world, on the contrary, was the first to fall victim to the modern age's triumphal world alienation. It was rather the discovery, due to the new instrument, that Copernicus' image of "the virile man standing in the sun … overlooking the planets" …

How Beauty Leads Physics Astray


beauty | BrE ˈbjuːti, AmE ˈbjudi | noun, no pl. 1 Schönheit (Fem.) (of action, response) Eleganz (Fem.) (of idea, simplicity, sacrifice) Größe (Fem.) ▸ beauty is only skin deep man kann nicht nach dem Äußeren urteilen ▸ be a thing of beauty wunderschön sein 2 (person or thing) Schönheit (Fem.) (animal) wunderschönes Tier ▸ she is a real beauty sie ist wirklich eine Schönheit ▸ Beauty and the Beast die Schöne und das Tier ▸ They've just bought a new car. It's a beauty Sie haben sich (Dat.) gerade einen neuen Wagen gekauft. Er ist wunderbar 3 (exceptionally good specimen) Prachtexemplar (Neutr.) ▸ that last goal was a beauty dieses letzte Tor war ein richtiges Bilderbuchtor 4 (beautiful feature) Schöne (Neutr.) ▸ her eyes are her great beauty das Schöne an ihr sind ihre Augen ▸ the beauty of it/of living in California das Schöne or Gute daran/am Leben in Kalifornien