Behavior of Walk

This JavaScript code represents a simple web application that explores wiki pages in a federated wiki system. Let's break down the code into sections and explain each part: 1. **Initialization**: - The script imports the `frame` module from a federated wiki system, which provides functions for interacting with wiki pages. - It initializes some variables like `context`, `neighbors`, `sitemaps`, `lineup`, and `history`. - The `load` function fetches and displays information about neighbors (other wiki sites) and their sitemaps. 2. **Interaction**: - Two functions `start` and `more` are defined as event handlers for the "start" and "more" buttons respectively. - The `start` function clears the `lineup` and `history`, initiates a click on the starting page, and shows the result. - The `more` function chooses a random link from the current page and initiates a click on it. 3. **Behavior of Walk**: - The `links` function retrieves links from a given page. - The `choose` function randomly selects a link from the current page and initiates a click on it. - The `click` function simulates a click action on a link by adding the clicked page to the `lineup` and updating the `history`. - The `resolve` function finds the site corresponding to a given slug. 4. **Rendering**: - The `show` function updates the UI to display the current lineup of pages and opens a frame to visualize the exploration path. - The `dotify` function generates a DOT language representation of the exploration path for visualization. Overall, this code represents a simple exploration mechanism for browsing wiki pages in a federated wiki system. It allows users to start from a specific page, follow random links, and visualize the exploration path. (ChatGPT 3.5)