Betsy Hanes Perry

I'm a software technical writer. I usually work as a Mercenary Analyst, helping the design team capture design and implementation in text form. I am especially interested in software-process patterns.

I work for Google. Before that, I worked for Oracle, which bought People Soft; Rogue Wave, bought by QuoVadX; Robertson, Stephens, & Company, an investment bank bought by Bank of America the week I joined them; Parc Place Digitalk, which bought (and later became) Object Share; Roth Well, Incorporated, which was bought by Perot Systems; Apollo Computer, which was bought by Hewlett Packard; and Prime Computer, which bought (and later vanished into) Computer Vision. Terrifying, isn't it?

The correct mail address for me (now not employer-dependent) is

betsyp at

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