Bettina Bergmann

"Whole families are affected. It happens that both parents die of Covid-19 within a few days. Older people who were still doing well and were active. Younger fathers and mothers of families also die. It's sad to see that happen." (Basler Zeitung, 2021-12-08, p. 3)

"A few days ago, on a late shift, we had an emergency situation with a non-Covid patient with an acute, massive drop in blood pressure. Three of us had to help. That's a matter of seconds and life and death. But at the same time, another ICU patient's ventilator alerted. Normally, the two remaining nurses could help, but they were completely absorbed in the isolation room at the Covid cases. It's the powerlessness of no longer being able to do everything justice that gets to you the most."

"At the same time, all our patients need our attention. Ventilation with a mask is exhausting. And many patients are afraid. If they remove the mask on their own, the oxygen saturation can drop drastically immediately. It takes skilled personnel who can react to the unexpected at any time. But if we have too many patients, we can no longer do that. Then you also stand alone at the bedside of a 150-kilo patient and should mobilize him."

"It's important to weigh up well what I can expect of my team. I have to protect my people and also draw boundaries. If employees burn out or quit, it affects the present and the future. And it affects all patients. Given the state of the job market, the prospects of being able to replace people who leave are poor. And then we wouldn't even be able to guarantee our normal operations next year."

"And today there are more emotions in it, also from our side. And especially when vaccination is deliberately refused and a severe course is accepted. That's where it's sometimes difficult to muster understanding."