Bill of Rights

We use this page for generating wonder rooms for our learners. These wonder rooms are used to launch DiGs and to spark curiosity in the current learning unit.

Here is a link to the Wonder Room

These rooms are built using Croquet . Each display panel in the room is referred to as a 'card'.

The rooms have nine cards. We construct these rooms in a clockwise structure knowing that learners will find their own path through the rooms.

Double-click the gray code plugins to edit cards. Click and hold to move these plugins to another position on this page to change the order of the cards in the room.


Here is the slide presentation that we use to launch the DiG for our learners.

type: "pdf", path: ""

We use this spinner to randomly assign 'scramblers' to the learners.

type: "image", path: "", urlLink: ""


We include three primary resources to help frame the primary concepts we want to cover in the curriculum area.

Panel #1

type: "image", path: "", urlLink: ""

Panel #2

type: "image", path: "", urlLink: ""

Panel #3

type: "image", path: "", urlLink: ""


We identify three ways that this knowledge can be contextualized in a way that might be relevant for the learners.

Panel #4

type: "image", path: "", urlLink: ""

Panel #5

type: "image", path: "", urlLink: ""

Panel #6

type: "image", path: "", urlLink: ""


The final panel presents an expansive provocation for this unit, opening the door to a larger "why" for this learning.

Panel #7

type: "image", path: "", urlLink: ""

type: "image", path: "" HEIGHT 50

DOT FROM concept-domain STATIC
