Block Server

Block Server or BlockServer is a term that I am using for an HTTP server which interacts with the Blockchain and / or decentralised protocols such as IPFS.

We also take a look at how we can use OpenResty with Livecode servers and Nginx to create a fast lightweight solution.

Basic elements of the block-server:

It also is intended to capture the idea of an essentially Federated Architecture in which a local community gathers and serves content in a hyperlocal context, without necessarily sharing this information on the public internet.

A portable-wiki-server, is more than just a Hyperlocal Server for Fedwiki. It is an application designed to fit in your hand, and enable you to share your data with people in close proximity to you.

Block Server is an example of a fedwiki-live-studio, with an emphasis on Block Chain.

Just as with a traditional server, the Block Server can serve content over the public internet (WAN), however this full public sharing is an option, not a default.

This type of sharing I'm calling semi-private or an Open Secret and creates a new form of internet space which is designed to be a relaxed space for semi-private conversations. Anyone can join if they know where it is (Capability URLs serve this function), this is akin to meeting people in a public bar no one is excluded, but you feel more free to speak your mind than you may do in a more formal public setting.

This is a brief description of the Block Server, its functions, what it is and what it isn't. .

Finsbury Park, London, United Kingdom - openstreetmap

This recording was made near Finsbury Park, by fortyfoxes, on Jul 31, 2015 at 9:38 PM - audioboom