Bold Vision

A 'bold vision' might be described as visual representation of an Audacious Aspiration, a collection of innovative and bold goals. It might include challenging targets, dreams that will take some conscious effort to reach, a future imagined. A bold vision is not for the faint-hearted.

Like preparing the soil for a flourishing garden, every element of Griffin State School's culture was lovingly and consciously cultivated, a foundation continuously tended and ploughed. Since its inception in 2016, the creation of a collaboratively built 'Bold Vision for Learning' has been an aspiration. The Bold Vision would be a Sophisticated Synthesis of Griffin State School's culture, purpose, values, beliefs, practices and community.

The journey to create a 'bold vision' was inspired by an example from the Delta District in British Columbia. Principal Vicki Baker, and Deputy Principal, Melissa Perry, first observed it on a QASSP study tour in 2016. In order for Griffin State School to so and be something remarkable, they knew Griffin needed to have one.

The Griffin State School Bold Vision ambitiously aims to put the Griffin story on one page. It's a visual reminder of our audacious goals, what we have created, and what we continue to espouse, enact and embody. It's a roadmap to creating a school unlike any other, a plan for Cultivating Ustawi.

A bold vision might never be fixed and finalised. It will likely continue to evolve alongside the people and community who strive to enact it. The cultivation is never-ending.

In 2020, the first draft of the Griffin State School Bold Vision was unveiled to the community. It took over three years to capture. Since this time, our Bold Vision for learning has been reviewed by learners and the parent community. It continues to evolve as we do.

*Add in image of Bold Vision

DOT FROM preview-next-diagram

node [style=filled fillcolor=lightyellow penwidth=3 color=black fontname="Helvetica"] "Bold Vision" node [style=filled fillcolor=lightblue] node [style=filled fillcolor=white penwidth=3 color=black] node [style="filled,rounded,dotted" fillcolor=white] edge [style=dotted] "Bold Vision" "Fit in and Stand Out" -> "Bold Vision" "Learners, Not Students" -> "Bold Vision" "Sophisticated Synthesis" -> "Bold Vision" "Storytelling" -> "Bold Vision"}