Ward via matrix
Our small colored squares are part of wiki that plays important roles throughout the user interface. We expect people to recognize them. We have had users that resent the choices we made for them. Mostly it was green: they didn't like green. This lead us to create Flagmatic, which varies parameters within a recognizable form. Look for the larger blue flag ... click that.
I mention this because you have a well developed "brand" that doesn't fit into this usage.
This plugin offers an assortment of flags that can replace that of the logged-in site. Each choice is saved immediately. Choose often. Refresh offers new choices.
brand | BrE brand, AmE brænd |
A noun 1 (trade mark) Markenzeichen (Neutr.) (goods of particular make) Marke (Fem.) (figurative) (type) Art (Fem.) ▸ brand of washing powder/soap Waschpulvermarke (Fem.), Seifenmarke (Fem.) 2 (permanent mark, stigma) Brandmal (Neutr.) (on sheep, cattle) Brandzeichen (Neutr.) (on cigar box, crate) eingebranntes Zeichen ▸ brand of Cain Kainsmal (Neutr.) 3 (burning log etc.) [Feuer]brand (Mask.) (archaic) (charred log etc.) verkohltes Holzscheit (torch) Brand (Mask.) (formal)
B transitive verb 1 (burn) mit einem Brandzeichen markieren ‹Tier› 2 (stigmatize [as]) brand [as] brandmarken als ‹Verräter, Verbrecher usw.› 3 (British) (label with trade mark) mit einem Markenzeichen versehen ▸ branded goods Markenware (Fem.) ▸ branded product Markenprodukt (Neutr.) 4 (impress) einbrennen (upon Dat. od. in + Akk.) Brand | brant | masculine noun Gen. Brand[e]s Pl. Brände | ˈbrɛndə | 1 fire 2 (Brennen) beim Brand der Scheune when the barn caught fire ▸ in Brand geraten catch fire ▸ etw. in Brand setzen or stecken set fire to sth set sth on fire 3 (informal) (Durst) raging thirst ▸ einen fürchterlichen Brand haben have a terrible thirst 4 (Medicine) [trockener/feuchter] Brand [dry/moist] gangrene 5 (Botany) blight