Cannot Get View

Cannot GET /view/12:06:18

App dying { is404: true, route: '/view/12:06:18', htmlString: { kind: 'html-template', title: 'Page not found', html: '<div style="padding:30px;" id="not-found-reason">No route found for <code>/view/12:06:18</code> Did you mean to go to one of these routes:<ul style="padding-top:30px;"><li style="list-style:inside;"><span><code>/blog/:slug</code></span></li><li style="list-style:inside;"><span><code>/greet</code></span></li><li style="list-style:inside;"><span><code>/hello</code></span></li><li style="list-style:inside;"><span><code>/index</code></span></li></ul></div>', bytesData: 'AgQIdmlldxAxMjowNjoxOAA=', headTags: '', rootElement: '<html lang="en">' }, contentJson: {}, statusCode: 404, headers: {}, kind: 'html', contentDatPayload: DataView { byteLength: 17, byteOffset: 0, buffer: ArrayBuffer { [Uint8Contents]: <02 04 08 76 69 65 77 10 31 32 3a 30 36 3a 31 38 00>, byteLength: 17 } } }

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In an elm-pages app, each Route Module can define a value data which is a BackendTask that will be resolved before init is called. That means it is also available when the page's HTML is pre-rendered during the build step. You can also access the resolved data in head to use it for the page's SEO meta tags. page

Think of BackendTask like a Cmd or Effect. It's a special type which you pass up to the runtime to ask it to do something for you. Since Elm code is pure, it can't perform side-effects. BackendTasks will not do anything unless they're passed to the elm-pages framework. Since the framework has its own Model, update, etc., it's able to go perform side-effects to resolve those BackendTasks for you. You can think of it like a wrapper around The Elm Architecture site . page