Cascading Peer Review

A core element of the assessment system is ​__continuous two-level peer review__​. This novel peer-review model addresses weaknesses of existing peer-review and allows us to more accurately curate knowledge and technology and assess its quality. Continuous two-level peer review is a ​direct assessment​ of a contribution.

A core element of the DAS assessment system is ​ a continuous two-level peer review process -

The proposed peer review process includes two levels of assessment: - review​ on the 1st level; - review curation​ (​support)​ on the 2nd level.

Opposite to the existing peer review, where peer review is performed only in the specified timeframe and assesses the contribution only in a given point in time, continuous peer review encourages the expert community to continuously evaluate the quality of each contribution in order to reach a consensus and calculate a fair score showing its quality. The more reviews the contribution has, the more quickly the community will reach a consensus, and the more accurate the final score will be.

# Level 1 - Review A review is an initial step in the assessment process. The review system is flexible and allows to customize review criteria for each type of contribution. Review produces an initial quality score for a contribution. The resulting score depends on a current number of reviews for a given contribution, and on the reputation of a reviewer.

# Level 2 - Review curation (support) In order to maintain the quality and fairness of review, DAS introduces a mechanism of curation of reviews in the form of support from other experts. The expert community can vote for reviews that are of the best quality, and comprehensively evaluate a piece of knowledge and technology.

Over time, the fairest and accurate reviews will be supported by most of the community, which will eventually lead to reaching a consensus of the community.

Support of a review is a key element of an assessment system, as it not only leads to community consensus but also impacts on both SCI calculated for contribution being assessed and reviewer reputation reward or penalty.