Pages to do with Programming Languages (contrast Category Natural Language).
The convention is to append 'Language' for the Wiki Name and to expand single letters according to the Wiki Alphabet. However, sometimes that doesn't work and you have to improvise. Some less obvious or Wiki Un Friendly Names are listed here (seems to me that all are listed here; should we clean this up?) (indeed: surely the only ones that need to be listed here are those that are neither of the form OnewordnameLanguage nor MultiWordName?):
A+ (Aplus Language)
ABAP/4 (Abap Language)
awk (Awk Language)
C++ (Cee Plus Plus)
C# (Csharp Language)
CDuce (Ce Duce)
HaXe (Ha Xe Language)
Ipl Package (Invocation Programming Language)
J (Ken Iverson or Jay Language)
Jython or JPython (Java Python)
K (Kay Language)
Lingo (Lingo Scripting Language)
LX (Lx Language)
ML (Ml Language)
Modula-1, Modula-2, Modula-3 (Modula Language)
Objective-C++ (Objective Cee Plus Plus)
O'Caml (Objective Caml or Ocaml Language)
PL/I (Pli Language)
RATFOR (Rational Fortran)
SetL (Setl Language)
Standard ML (Sml Language)
TCL (Tool Command Language)
VB (Visual Basic)
VPython (Visual Python).
Pedagogic Languages
Don Knuth's MIXAL
TutorialD (Tutorial Dee)
Practical Jokes
Brainfuck Language (a teaching language) (I think this Brainfuck Language is not actually a joke, it was made to be 256 bytes compiler, but maybe it was a joke as well, I don't know)
Please Porige Hot (I ask somebody that doesn't know how, to make Programming Language, it wasn't complete, so I wrote the second page, and it made this.)
PPL-1: The First Paranoid Programming Language
Pre-Historic Languages
Types of Programming Language:
Object Functional language
Interactive Fiction - specialized languages for writing adventure games
Esoteric Programming Language (e.g. Intercal)
Markup Languages (See Note 1)
Domain Specific Languages (often not Turing Equivalent)
1 Arguable whether this should be called a "programming" language, here it is shown as a "type".
Z (Zed Language)
Other Programming Language discussion
One may define a Language Subset, as an aid to teaching. Or talk about Little Language. (...really a discussion of Unix tools) Or you may need help Choosing The Right Language to solve your problem.
On the other hand, some people regret starting a Language Pissing Match... (btw, Cobol Is Dead!)
Or, to address Programming Languages at a higher level. Is it a real Programming Language, even if it's not Turing Complete? How might one go about Measuring Language Complexity?
Or the performance of particular Programming Language implementations - Computer Language Benchmarks Game.
And discussions of Language As Interface, Language Usability, English Like Features and such focus on the intersection between Human Beings and the languages they use to communicate with each other and with compilers and interpreters.
Programming Paradigm shows some typical Programming Languages for each paradigm.
See Programming Language Naming Patterns for information on the names of Programming Languages.
See original on