Centered Map Varieties

Centered maps put the reference point in an interior territory rather than a territory on the edge of the map.

Centering often better displays symmetries. [⇒Symmetry]

The first map below is a centered version of Steps, the rest are geometric modifications of centered steps. […]

Point-Of-View is a theme throughout the syntactic varieties.


How do you select which system concepts are modeled and which system concepts are suppressed?

The Future Is Wild on TLC or Discovery recently speculated about a fictional spider that builds webs across canyons. It struck me that instinct could be considered a form of (accumulated) intelligence. The Silver spider grabs a floating seed, connecting a thread to the side of the canyon it is on, gets blown to the other side. A different 'caste' of the same species on the original side then crosses over with a thicker strand. The colony then weaves a whole mesh across the canyon, not to catch insects but seeds. A third caste collects the seeds …