Certified Friendly Photographer

Friendly iPhone photograph, color cast adjusted, emailed, medium, 150KB, compressed for wiki.

When an organization adds more than one person per week others will quickly lose track of who's who. An organization this size should commission colleagues to fill a public image catalog and keep it up to date with retakes.

We favor informed amateur photographers because they are more likely to care how happy their colleagues are with the images that represent them in their absence.

Image processing can construct a 3-D model from a single photograph. viewer

Our program consists of two parts. A training program for portrait skills and a mechanism for accepting and distributing updates as they are completed.

# Skills

We prescribe a specific method for taking pictures that are both flattering to the individual and consistently useful throughout the catalog.

Face: pose facing the camera, indoor dress, glasses.

Frame: square, shoulder width, eyes at 1/3 frame.

Space: level, social distance, zoom to frame.

Light: natural, window, behind photog on right.

Background: plain, empty, distant, no window.

Preview: best of three, retake for improvements.

Release: photographed, work name, email, initialed.

Submit: color balanced, medium 100-500KB, shared.

# Catalog

Portraits remain company confidential but otherwise available throughout the organization. Submission will be by some convenient mechanism and will include the portrait at medium resolution, the release information and the certified photographer's email.

Available: by login, or via logged in applications.

Retrieved: by name, email, joined with other data.

Retained: until replaced, requested or separation.

Attributed: by photographer, indexing related work

# Certification

A certification consists of attending a one-time training for the skills and completing one skillfully executed portrait.

The catalog will include a roster of certifications with contact information. Certified friendly photographers are immediately qualified to train new photographers.

The catalog will include a page listing skills, certification methods, and catalog offerings of each photographer.


U. S. Passport photo requirements, more strict and less flattering than ours. page

We could use wiki as the catalog by allocating a site for each photographer to manage.