# Organize a citizens' assembly.
Citizens' assemblies (or juries) are one method of direct democracy. They involve a randomly selected group of local residents who deliberate on key issues and **generate policy recommendations**. Citizens' assemblies are being designed and implemented in many places to address urgent issues like the climate emergency. # Take action
* Citizens’ Assemblies: Guide to Democracy that Works is a comprehensive guide to the rationale, organization and impacts of citizens’ assemblies.
* Learn about citizens’ climate assemblies and juries and how to design, facilitate and implement them with the Extinction Rebellion Guide to Citizens’ Assemblies for activists.
* UK-based Shared Future created this guide to climate assemblies , specifically aimed at local governments.
Another UK-based guide for local governments on running a citizens' assembly
was created by the Royal Society for the Arts and several British ministries.
* For a deep dive into the why and how of citizens’ assemblies – both in general and as applied to the climate crisis – check out this amazing set of resources – books, articles, reports, videos, websites and podcasts – curated by Extinction Rebellion NYC, and this set by Extinction Rebellion UK
# Get inspired
* The Leeds (UK) Climate Change Citizens’ Jury met in 2019 and developed a set of robust recommendations to the Leeds city council.
* Scotland's Climate assembly met to discuss "How should Scotland change to tackle the climate emergency in an effective and fair way?" Their interim report has been issued.
* The UK Climate Assembly was formed of "100+ people from all walks of life and shades of opinion" who met over six weekends to discuss the UK's climate goals. Their report was issued in September 2020.