
The liquidity premium of money thus presupposes the existence of the property premium, since money originates as an entitlement to property – that is, to a title and not to goods. This is true not only of money in its present form as a banknote, but also in its earlier form as a coin, which has been a right printed on metal. Wherever we use Keynes' notion of the liquidity premium, we therefore strictly distinguish it from the property premium.


HEINSOHN, Gunnar and STEIGER, Otto, 1996. Eigentum, Zins und Geld: ungelöste Rätsel der Wirtschaftswissenschaft. Reinbek bei Hamburg: Rowohlt. ISBN 978-3-498-02933-3, p. 20.


coin | BrE kɔɪn, AmE kɔɪn | A noun Münze (Fem.) (metal money) Münzen Pl., Münzgeld (Neutr.) ▸ in coin in Münzen ▸ the other side of the coin (figurative) die Kehrseite der Medaille ▸ pay sb in his own coin (figurative) jmdm. in or mit gleicher Münze heimzahlen B transitive verb 1 (invent) prägen ‹Wort, Redewendung› ▸ …, to coin a phrase (ironic) …, um mich ganz originell auszudrücken 2 (make) prägen ‹Geld› ▸ coin money (figurative) Geld scheffeln 3 (make into money) münzen ‹Gold, Silber usw.›