Collective Responsibility

The notion of collective responsibility, like that of personal responsibility and shared responsibility, refers in most contexts to both the causal responsibility of moral agents for harm in the world and the blameworthiness that we ascribe to them for having caused such harm. page matrix

Hence, it is, like its two more purely individualistic counterparts, almost always a notion of Moral, rather than purely causal, Responsibility. But, unlike its two more purely individualistic counterparts, it does not associate either causal responsibility or blameworthiness with discrete individuals or locate the source of moral responsibility in the Free Will of individual moral agents. Instead, it associates both causal responsibility and blameworthiness with groups and locates the source of moral responsibility in the collective actions taken by these groups understood as collectives.


The way in which we perceive our embeddedness into given social contexts depends highly on our understanding of preliminary examples. We want to encourage transparent practices that work for all and provide a sufficient semiologic context to support the proposal.