
Money is a →symbolically generalized medium that corresponds to the constellation of →Attribution in which alter’s action is experienced by ego. As long as this action does not affect access to scare resources, the situation remains unproblematic. Ego’s observation of the action of others does not provoke her own action: ego observes, for instance, that a neighbor cuts the grass. However, as soon as a situation of scarcity emerges (when, for instance, land is limited), alter’s access (the fact that alter is cultivating a particular piece of land)

* the MouseCoordinates to the space occupied by the corresponding view

DOT FROM lambda-browsing

* two Process Graphs representing workflows (Keith Andrews, Martin Wohlfahrt, und Gerhard Wurzinger, *Visual Graph Comparison*, in 2009 13th International Conference Information Visualisation, 2009, 62–67, doi , p. 63.

* two Registers

> In his paper, Stephen Dolan shows the Turing-completeness of the MOV instruction. Stephen Dolan refers in his paper to Branching as “the fundamental aspect of computing” and shows that the MOV-instruction can indeed be used to *compare* two registers.

See *MOV is Turing-Complete: 4-bit Adder Implementation*. post

One can compare two registers using only load and store instructions. Loading a value into address A and a different value into address B, then reading the content of the address A will show whether A and B are equal. Stephen Dolan shows how to compare two registers ($R_i$, $R_j$) as follows (where [R] denotes indirect addressing, i.e. writing/reading from the address that is stored in R):

MOV [R_i], 0 MOV [R_j], 1 MOV R_k, [R_i]

If $R_i = R_j$, $R_k$ is set to 1, otherwise it is 0. These three simple instructions represents the comparison-capability of the MOV-instruction in an elegant way.