Concepts Without Categories

This excerpt from episode 40 podcast contains material independent of that episode's topic (Collaborative Circles) that might be of interest to people who don't care about collaborative circles. It mostly discusses a claim, due to Andy Clark, that words are not Labels for concepts. Rather, words come first and concepts accrete around them. As a resolute, concepts are messy. Which is fine, because they don't need to be tidy.


Note that Assignment should not be interpreted as loading a value into some named memory cells. Naming an object should not be seen along the lines of modifying the object to hold its name either. On the contrary, the Act of Giving a Name should be thought of in terms of remembering an object by means of a Label [⇒ Slug]. Also, since a distinction is not the private property of the name either, you are free to give a distinction as many names as you want.

In Smalltalk, objects are distinctions. Since everything in Smalltalk is an object, then everything in Smalltalk is a Distinction.