
Event Structures [23, 33] are one of the best known models for concurrency.

[23] Mogens Nielsen & P. S. Thiagarajan (2002): Regular Event Structures and Finite Petri Nets: The ConflictFree Case. In: Applications and Theory of Petri Nets, LNCS 2360, Springer, pp. 335–351, doi:10.1007/ 3-540-48068-4_20.

[33] Glynn Winskel & Mogens Nielsen (1995): Models for Concurrency. In S. Abramsky, Dov M. Gabbay & T. S. E. Maibaum, editors: Handbook of Logic in Computer Science (Vol. 4), Oxford University Press, Inc., New York, NY, USA, pp. 1–148.


GORLA, Daniele, SALVO, Ivano and PIPERNO, Adolfo, 2019. Conflict vs Causality in Event Structures. Electronic Proceedings in Theoretical Computer Science. 22 August 2019. Vol. 300, p. 86–101. DOI 10.4204/EPTCS.300.6.