
The config.json file can live in a number of places. In my configuration it is at the top of the .wiki folder:


This file contains all the configuration you need for your farm.

{ "farm": true, "security_type": "passportjs", "security_useHttps": false, "admin": {"google": "1234xxxxxxxxxx"}, "google_clientID": "xxxx", "google_clientSecret": "xxxx", "wikiDomains": { "": {"id": "file.json"}, "": {} } }

NB. The quotes used in the config file must be double quotes.

As long as you have:

"admin": {"google": "1234xxxxxxxxxx"},

in your config.json file – you should have admin user rights. make sure you are logged in, and that you restart your wiki server after making and changes to config.json.

# See also
