Contains Relation


First and foremost, James forms are void-based.

James Algebra uses three distinct types of containers to express numeric and non-numeric structure.

> The only relation within a boundary calculus is that of Containment, a minimal conceptual basis consisting of one binary relation. The contains relation is quite general. When expressed within logic, containment can be interpreted as implies. When expressed as a network, containment is directly-connected-to. When expressed as a set, it’s called is-a-member. When expressed as a number, it is successor. When expressed as a map, it’s shares-a-common-border. Within the context of a pile of blocks, contains becomes supported-by. When seen as a family relationship, it is parent-of. When described as an abstract mathematical structure, it is a rooted tree. All of these metaphors share a collection of common characteristics that are concretized by the properties of physical containers. The fundamental concept underlying containment is distinction: a container distinguishes inside from outside.