
is a tertium non-datur world to which there is no alternative

Functional systems are such "worlds". On the one hand, it is not possible to escape them; on the other hand, the multiplicity of such heterogeneous functionalities means that the same event observed in a contexture can also be observed differently. There is neither truth nor error, but only function-bound observations.

It is about the conditions under which a semantics of second-order observation can develop, with social evolution perhaps playing the most important role. It is science that observes the conditions of Second-Order Observation, although it is itself the result of social evolution.


The transition from reference to observation has emphasized the distinctions that are used to distinguish something from something else.

EMLEIN, Günther, 2017. Das Sinnsystem Seelsorge: Eine Studie zur Frage: Wer tut was, wenn man sagt, dass man sich um die Seele sorgt?. Göttingen: Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht. ISBN 978-3-525-62439-5.

FUCHS, Peter, 2016. Der Fuss des Leuchtturms liegt im Dunkeln: eine ernsthafte Studie zu Sinn und Sinnlosigkeit. Weilerswist: Velbrück Wissenschaft. ISBN 978-3-95832-064-2. pdf