Synthesis, or putting things together, is the key to Systems Thinking just as analysis, or taking them apart, was the key to Machine-Age thinking.
⇒ Goal ⇒ Goal Analysis
Synthetic is changed to ⇀ analytical.
Kind/Direction Distinction
Direction: A step can now be observed not only with respect to its kind, like [...] in contrast to [...] but also with respect to its direction, like [...] in contrast to [...].
Synthetically, this step becomes Instantaneously Fast Space (cf. The Space Between ⇒ Wu Wei). Analytically, this step decays into Infinitely Slow Steps. Step needs Time.
Continuum is changed into a ⇀ duality (Dualism) resp. Quantum State [⇒ Pille Bunnell's Touchstone: "not as bars but as Distributions" video ]
[…] then think maybe what we need to be doing is having our Attention moving amongst all these different dimensions
The community's relation to the natural landscape is best described in the words of Yi-Fu Tuan as that of "dominance and affection," a relation in which the environment is viewed as a pet to be cared for and protected.
The dominant themes of an experience might be defined as the enduring feelings or key characteristics that remain with us. Noticing and naming the dominant themes can be a powerful way to capture the value of the experience. We are better able to live into our experience when we have had the opportunity to synthesize the impact it had on us.