We understand what a conversation is, how it can be conducted. We value good quality conversations that are respectful, in which each party deepens their learning and understanding. Yet we have little idea how to conduct such conversations across space.
Our aim here is to create a new form of slow thoughtful conversation. One which works with our new decentralised tools, and our understanding of how humans converse well in physical space. We are not interested here in repeating or duplicating old tools - forums, bulleting boards, video conferencing, blogging, email.
We want instead to build on new forms of writing together, and empower older forms of quality small group conversation. We do this across space.
We undertake to abide by the following principles: - The best conversation happens amongst our peers, it is face to face, and in a relaxed atmosphere conducive to the open exploration of uncertain topics. - It is exciting and liberating to present our ideas to a community of our peers. We seek to publish our knowledge openly but with attribution, in a manner in which others are free to build on our insights. - Near real-time, asynchronous communication is as good as live communication between remote participants. We respect venues and gatherings that have poor or non-existent internet connection. - We seek for the highest quality and most reliable presentation of media to each local gathering. This is only possible offline using local storage. We synchronise local storage with other venues gently. - We lay down our presentations in the commons, and emphasise sharing, action, and collaboration. Our events are structured as focal points in a sea of conversations that precedes the event and is designed to continue after the event. - Our conversations, our events, and our software are free and open. Their freedoms are protected by law, and where we can be secure communications protocols designed to protect our commons from land grabs, and exploitation by any central party. We avoid wherever we can single points of failure, and central servers. We seek to finance our activities sustainably.
# See also
- Structured Conversation Platform
* Issue-Based Information System
* Sensemaking Tools - globalsensemaking.net