Convert from Excalidraw

We're impressed with the completeness of this tool but wonder where if fits into our workflow. We make a diagram with meaning to us and try to extract that from all of the other details.


We will dig into the export file with jq stripping back layer by layer until we see our learning loop.

jq keys [ "appState", "elements", "files", "source", "type", "version" ]

The export file has elements of various type.

jq '.elements[].type' "ellipse" "ellipse" "ellipse" "arrow" "arrow" "text" "text" "text" "arrow"

An elipse has boundElements.

jq '.elements[0].boundElements[].type' "arrow" "text" "arrow"

An arrow has start and end Bindings.

jq '.elements[3].startBinding' { "elementId": "rPQJijsPMOXPxlbZ6aN-X", "focus": 0.08638970142697117, "gap": 11.432034196478249 }

A text has originalText.

jq '.elements[5].originalText' "watch"

I think we have it. github

digraph { node [shape=box style=filled fillcolor=gold] rankdir=LR node [fillcolor=lightgreen] 0 [label="Element watch" ] 1 [label="Element dream" ] 2 [label="Element build" ] 1->2 [label="Connection" labeltooltip="undefined"] 0->1 [label="Connection" labeltooltip="undefined"] 2->0 [label="Connection" labeltooltip="undefined"] }


We enjoyed drawing with Excalidraw and in this page explore a feature of their SVG export format. app