Create Page Plugin

The Create Page Plugin is a generic REST Plugin that enables simple and flexible integration with Federation REST Services provided by developers for the wider community of users.

# What it does

The plugin enables a logged in user to create one-or-more new Fedwiki Pages. For non-logged in users it simply shows some text saying:

This feature is only available to the site owner.

There is one button displayed with the label "Create Page(s)". Pressing this button makes a jQuery AJAX Request to the url specified in the plugin configuration.

# How it works

The plugin takes the parameter stored as a URL, and the METHOD, and any keyed params and makes a jQuery REST call based on this data.

The plugin makes an HTTP request to the provided URL and receives A JSON response containing all the information it needs to create new pages. I propose that this means the web service replies simply with exactly the Page JSON required for the new pages.

As an example the Audioboom Page Webservice is an example of what we hope will be a network of Federation Webservice that provide authoring support for Fedwiki sites.

The client then passes the new page-json it receives to it's internal create-page method, which then authenticates with the origin server in the usual way to create new pages.

A site-owner is able to double-click and edit the text of the plugin - providing a URL to a RESTful Web Service, and optionally a method (GET or POST) and optionally some data to POST. The default (and possibly only) method should be POST. .

London, Greater London, United Kingdom - openstreetmap

This recording was made near London, by fortyfoxes, on Jun 25, 2015 at 12:19 PM - audioboom