* Lenses through which executable models can be perceived
* an Environment where your needs are achieved by meeting the needs of your users. ⇒ Anchor
* galleries for DiG Expos
⇒ Croquet Gallery
* interactive digital exhibits. omeka
> Combine narrative text with digital media to offer rich interpretation of your collections.
* `DefaultCards` can *create* a Parent-Children Structure.
> Checkout the bitcoin tracker thing in default.js; the id: "main" is used by two other cards. (The id here is unique within this list... this certainly an obscure spec, I admit.) -- yoshiki. discord
* a music curriculum ⇒ Quincy Jones
* a single DOM element … ⇒ Function $el
* anew
We reflect on moments of time where there was new magic that had tremendous impact on the unfolding of our story.
* New Room ⇒ Greenlight
* a Topicmap. dmx
⇒ Use a Common Language
* Portals using Secure, Sandboxed iFrames
* create Horizontal Transmission of Obligations -- Dave Snowden in the moderated panel discussion with Jabe Bloom and Simon Wardley at 42:30 ff.
VIMEO 208488019 Dave Snowden & Simon Wardley : Moderated panel discussion with Jabe Bloom
* an AST ⇒ Abstract Syntax Trees > An annotated AST is expanded, compiled and executed on the fly thanks to the ReflectiveMethod/CompiledMethod Twin.
* objects ⇒ Classes
* a Topicmap
* a Graph by describing nodes and relations consistent with the Schema in use.
⇒ Hypertext Super Collaborator. site ⇒ Catalog of Useful Schema ⇒ Using the Injector Pane
* from Schema ⇒ Daily Haiku Graph
* Baseline
* a Literal ⇒ Create a Literal
> The Smalltalk uniformity allows for a small set of concepts that result in a straightforward, clear syntax. For example, there are only 6 keywords, and only 5 possible operations: read a variable, write a variable, create a literal, send a message, and return.
⇒ write
* languages instead of just plain programs
> The Racket doctrine tells developers to narrow the gap between the terminology of a problem domain and general programming constructs by creating languages instead of just plain programs.
* subgraphs
We extend the Graph Navigator with a schema definition that guides the creation of new nodes. github
* organism
We are now appreciating another dimension of the inherent tension between the education bureaucracies and schools. This tension feels universal.
create ⇒ Sequence
YOUTUBE zLnhg9kir3Q Stephen Wolfram Answers Live Questions About ChatGPT
Every sort of every one of these nerve cells represents sort of the value of that nerve cell and then there are weights by which this nerve cell is kind of how much effect does one nerve cell have on another nerve cell
chat.openai: It sounds like the speaker is talking about a neural network, which is a type of machine learning model that is inspired by the structure and function of the human brain. In a neural network, each "nerve cell" (also called a "neuron") represents a unit of computation and the connections between neurons are represented by Weights. These weights determine the strength of the connections between neurons and ultimately affect the output of the network. The values that each neuron represents can be thought of as the inputs to that neuron, which are then processed and passed on to other neurons in the network.
so you end up with these um uh with these big I mean mathematically 16:59 it's matrices or tensors which say I've got this whole Vector of values this 17:06 whole sequence of values and I'm going to determine from that a new sequence of values and roughly what ends up 17:12 happening is you add up you say this is the input sequence of values I'm going to take some sum I'm going to weight 17:19 those values in different ways I'm going to add them all up and then there's kind of a thing where in addition to just 17:26 adding the numbers up you have some kind of threshold the most common thing that's done in current neural Nets I 17:32 think or relu which is actually a very simple thing it's just if the the weights where you add up all these 17:38 numbers can be either positive or negative if it's if the resulting added up thing is negative it's zero otherwise 17:44 it's just the value that you got that's a simple way to to do this sort of thresholding effect