Customer-Supplier Pairs

marcpierson via matrix Ren = the person, here representing the employee, Dan = the order (the piece of paper) representing the customer, become one, or merge = He into one = Yi. linkedin

CEO Mr. Zhang Ruimin, who constantly demands learning from himself, applies the basic Daoist idea of «TianRenHeYi». This means heaven = Tian (something like God) and man = Ren, merging = He into one = Yi. This is one of the most important principles of Chinese Daoist culture, for example that a garden should be built so beautifully that it is not visible that it was made by human hands. Beauty is the harmony of man with nature. Heaven and man merge into one.

marcpierson via matrix When I first learned about quality improvement in 1990, in a three day training session for healthcare professionals, I came away beliveing that the most important idea was what they called "customer-supplier pairs." While I became somewhat expert in the process improvement methods and tools I still think that ongoing intimate understanding between all customers and suppliers is the most important perspective. All the flow charts and statistical process control in the world cannot displace this primary relationship.