
Decker designed and implemented by John Earnest is a multimedia platform for creating and sharing interactive documents, with sound, images, hypertext, and scripted behavior. github page

It draws strong influence from HyperCard, as well as more modern codeless or "low-code" creative tools like Twine and Bitsy. If Jupyter Notebooks are a digital lab notebook, think of Decker as a stack of sticky notes for spatially organizing your thoughts and making quick prototypes.

Web-Decker and Native-Decker page

Decker is available as a native application for MacOS, Linux, and Windows. If you save a deck with a .html extension, Decker produces a document that can be opened directly in a web browser – a self-contained "standalone deck". This web-based version of Decker can be referred to as "Web-Decker".

# Application Frame HEIGHT 313

– Web-Decker expand

# Assets

pages/decker HEIGHT 313

– Dialogizer expand