
[The Positional Number System] is also the ultimate perfection of numerical further improvement of numerical notation is necessary, or even possible. — Georges Ifrah (2000)

We have ignored until now a fundamental problem: how do we represent large numbers in an additive system? If 346 units and 274 units are put together, how can we efficiently count up the result? Unit-ensemble arithmetic has a distinct drawback: it’s very inconvenient to determine how many marks there are in a large ensemble. It is certainly convenient to fuse many large piles by pushing them all together, but that does not help to determine how many?. The time-honored solution is to group units into bundles. Grouping tally marks was added to historical systems of calculation as perhaps the first elaboration to tallying at least 20,000 years ago. The Babylonians used groups of sixty. The Romans used groups of five and ten. English money before 1970 was grouped in twelves and twenties.

[…] -- Bricken, Iconic Arithmetic Volume I.


See Tiefe, Tiefe Null (Peter Fuchs), cf. Schlüsselwerke der Systemtheorie, 2. Aufl., S. 176, : […] es könnte zu einer "in der Tiefe Null wirksamen Sozialisation" kommen […]

> Geschichten zu produzieren erscheint hier nicht als Manko, sondern als Tugend, ja als Voraussetzung, um zu verstehen und um in der Gesellschaft verstanden zu werden und wirken zu können.

Producing stories does not appear here as a shortcoming, but as a virtue, indeed as a prerequisite for understanding and for being understood and having an effect in society.

We sit with our stories, our stories inside. These stories, wisps of feelings, complex and intertwined.

strict digraph {rankdir=LR node [style=filled fillcolor=lightyellow penwidth=3 color=black fontname="Helvetica"] "Depth" node [style=filled fillcolor=lightblue] node [style=filled fillcolor=white penwidth=3 color=black] "Depth" -> "Tiefe" -> "Tiefe Null" "Depth" -> "The Stories We Tell" node [style=filled fillcolor=white penwidth=1 color=black] node [style=filled fillcolor=white penwidth=1 color=black] node [style="filled,rounded,dotted" fillcolor=white] edge [style=dotted] "Depth" "2022-01-18" -> "Depth"}