Dil Green

Dil trained and worked as an architect over 30-odd years, but recently have been doing more and more in the digital world.

> I trained as an architect, and in a way, I'll always be one.

Dil Green is the founder of the Project for a Progressive Ethics. Dil is also active in London Futurists

I have been aided in this transition by two things: - my lifelong interest in coding - my dad started as an operator at Littlewoods in 1962, and taught me to use a systems analysis flow-chart when I was 7, and I've been fascinated ever since. - Pattern Language - I encountered the work of Christopher Alexander in 1985 while studying architecture, and was immediately hooked. More recently (early 2000's), when I became interested in complexity, and particularly in the deep need for human tools to enable us more effectively to engage with problems like climate change, economies etc., I realised that the Pattern Language approach was not so much a tool for architecture as it was a tool for mapping complex domains.

In the plan for the twenty-twenty-seven celebration of the tenth anniversary of Exponentially Human (written in the future) the Project for Progressive Ethics is leading one of the conference themes.

By then it has grown to become an influential world movement attracting funding from the United Nations.

The twenty-twenty-seven anniversary celebrations are run as a FEAST. That is why the celebration is to be held in the month of September - because of the close connections between the start of Exponentially Human (during 2016 and 2017) and the launch of FEAST in Finsbury Park in September 2017

His other interests include: