Document Mode Conversion

There are various presentation methods in use on the wiki. Two dominant modes are the Document Mode and the Thread Mode. Both have strengths and weaknesses in the expression and capture of new knowledge. This page proposes a Document Mode Conversion Approach which would combine the strengths of both approaches while minimizing the weaknesses. While some think the Document Mode is the highest expression of wiki's potential, others think that the wiki is best expressed in the combination of the two modes since they are inseparable sides of the same coin whereby true knowledge is captured in the document mode as well as the thread, and should include the questions, the criticisms, the minority positions, different experiences, even the misunderstandings and how they are resolved.

Here suggested is a One time Document Conversion Process whereby a document has not been formed and it is desired to develop the theme and summarize and condense the thread into an idea, object, or process description. Factoring would be applied with the intent of making the page into a document which maintains a clear, presentable, well formed document based on all content included at that time on the page. This kind of refactoring would only occur on a threaded mode page which has reached a conclusion and there appears to be enough consensus and/or difference to allow the conversion of the threaded mode page to a Document Mode. This might occur in many ways, here are three suggested ways this might occur:

The initiator of the Page, (if still involved in the Wiki Now) would factor all the content into Document Mode.

A qualified (that is some one with expertise regarding the subject) could factor all the content into Document Mode.

An opening of the page for conversion to Document Mode by group, committee, or consensus of all interested parties.

If the third mode is selected it could follow the convention of the Document Under Development process described elsewhere.


What likelihood is there that one or all of the approaches mentioned in this page could succeed in converting a thread mode discussion to that of a document?

Actually, the likelihood is quite high. There are many examples of Thesis Antithesis Synthesis evident on this Wiki; one only need cast about for examples. (Perhaps someone will supply a list later.) Dialectic Mode using the Six Thinking Hats Dramatic Identity set has been helpful on pages such as Refactor Low Hanging Fruit and many others. Try it, you'll like it! But be forewarned -- conversion from threads to dissertation is very time consuming and full of treacherous dangers of misrepresentation of others' ideas. If you're up to it the experience is very rewarding and makes this Wiki a much better repository of information. Contributions from Marty Schrader

We all prefer Document Mode. I also have prefer "good" Thread Mode insights, the ones that support More Light Than Heat Guideline, over silence. I think we need to have people on this wiki whose background and interests may have little to do with IT, but more apt in writing and journalism. If we give special support to these individuals then more, and better Document Mode pages will be seen here.

Widespread wiki implementations like Media Wiki seperate the "document" from comment threads (Discussion Page).

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