There are various presentation methods in use on the wiki. Two dominant modes are the Document Mode and the Thread Mode. Both have strengths and weaknesses in the expression and capture of new knowledge. This page proposes a Document Under Development Approach which would combine the strengths of both approaches while minimizing the weaknesses. While some think the Document Mode is the highest expression of wiki's potential, others think that the wiki is best expressed in the combination of the two modes since they are inseparable sides of the same coin whereby true knowledge is captured in the document mode aas well as the thread, and should include the questions, the criticisms, the minority positions, different experiences, even the misunderstandings and how they are resolved.
Here suggested is a Dynamic Document Development Process whereby a document is created to develop an idea, object, process from its inception,(Starting perhaps at first with a single sentence) and is in the process of becoming. Factoring is applied periodically with the intent of maintaining a clear, presentable, well-formed document based on all content encountered up to the time of each factoring. Factoring should occur as needed (which in some discussions could be as frequent as weekly). It would be divided into two parts:
At the Top - Document Mode Presentation (Under Development)
Below a separating line - Thread mode discussion (In Process)
The two parts are separated by a Discussions Line. Comments are made below the line. Refactorings of the content of the Document Mode Presentation would occur as points of agreement/disagreement, summaries of approaches, etc. reach consensus, or are introduced to the document from expert sources.
Both parts of the page are dynamic, The top moving toward mutual understanding and acceptance, the bottom part the place where argumentation and point-making is carried out. If a strong point is made on a subject under development, it should be factored into the document part of the page. As the essential points or material is factored into the document, The redundant or repetitive components of the thread mode conversation are removed. This keeps the document As Short As It Can Possibly Be at the time. Twenty or so lines in thread mode might be factored to one or two lines in document mode when factored. This would have the added effect of reducing the size and increasing the utility of the page).
The conversion of dormant thread mode pages to document mode is covered elsewhere.
(A static process - one time conversion) is found in: Document Mode Conversion
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Related to Xp Process - Piecemeal Growth
Earlier Conversations on this Topic (This Is not a new idea) - Separate Threads From Content Thread Mode Considered Harmful Acceptable Refactoring How To Write And Edit Thread Mode Thread Mode Corrected
Let's look into The Chance For Success that such an approach might have. Here is where the discussion or thread mode begins, Above this double line, the refactored document develops. This could be the Wiki Equivalent of Brainstorming for some topics.
If, like me, you think that Document Mode is the highest expression of wiki's potential, and that Thread Mode is an often necessary but always transitional step towards Document Mode, is there much difference between Document Under Development (incremental) and Document Mode Conversion? (after thread completed - one time)
How different from Tentative Summary The idea of summarizing and refactoring is the same, but in the Tentative Summary page the original comments seem to be retained. This does not reduce page size as does the process described here, where the summary replaces the threads it summarizes.
Two Sides of a Coin
I think that's what the wiki is all about. The two modes are inseparable sides of the same coin. True knowledge is not captured in document mode alone, it must enclose the questions, the criticism, the minority positions, different experiences, even the misunderstandings and how they are resolved. When we transferred and reworked the wiki technology and communication culture to build German communities (see Dse Wiki, Pro Wiki Engine) I put it that way and it seems to work, because the unnatural pressure towards a pure document is reduced, conflicts are avoided. We even have subtitles that work as aesthetically pleasing separators (See e.g. or
). BTW I think that this is in sync with basic ideas (of Extreme Programming) like Piecemeal Growth: so I would prefer to name this a Living Document. -- Helmut Leitner
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