
What is the purpose of documentation in the first place? In contrast to guidelines, processes and instructions for action, which are aimed at concrete action, a record of an intention, a decision, a declaration, a project or development step serves to make it comprehensible. What users of the documentation do with it, deduce from it or decide, cannot yet be determined at the time of writing it down.


KROHN, Manuel Atug, Caroline, 2023. Dokumentation und Nachhaltigkeit. iX. Online. 24 May 2023. Vol. 2023, no. 6, p. 36–36. [Accessed 27 May 2023]. Available from: Nachhaltigkeit ist mehr als Ökologie, auch die Digitalisierung muss den Fortbestand sichern und darf zukünftigen Generationen keine Schulden hinterlassen. Das gilt auch für Entwicklung, Betrieb und Dokumentation von IT-Projekten, insbesondere freier Software.


Plan based on documentation quadrants page

There is a secret that needs to be understood in order to write good software documentation: there isn’t one thing called documentation, there are four. They are: tutorials, how-to guides, technical reference and explanation. They represent four different purposes or functions, and require four different approaches to their creation. Understanding the implications of this will help improve most documentation – often immensely.

The problem and the solution page

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